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Which Epirb beacon to choose?

According to the law, the use of an emergency beacon on a boat is mandatory during navigation. This is indeed the case for the EPIRD type. As this equipment ensures your safety, it is of great importance that it is of good quality. However, there are many different types of EPIRD, which makes it difficult to choose. In order to help you, here is how to choose your EPIRB.

Understanding how an EPIRB works

In order to choose an EPIRB beacon, it is essential to know how it works. You should know that it is a piece of equipment that emits an alert in the event of a shipwreck. Also known as a boat beacon, it is placed in a stand or container. It is specific to a boat, hence the presence of the boat’s MMSI number on its hull.

When in contact with water, this beacon automatically starts sending a signal to a COPAS-SARSAT satellite network. The signal is a 406 MHz wave. For an EPIRB equipped with GPS, it is easy to find the position quickly. If the beacon does not have a GPS function, many satellites must take care of positioning the location so that the signal can be sent to earth quickly. The beacon’s MMSI number makes it easy for rescue workers to start the rescue operation.

Criteria to take into account when choosing a beacon

As you will have understood, an EPIRB beacon is essential safety equipment during navigation. This is why it is important to ensure its good quality before choosing it. Here are the criteria to consider before buying your beacon.


To be sure of being rescued at the right time, it is important to take into account the beacon‘s autonomy. This is the time required for the beacon to send the signal. Choose a model with a long autonomy.

The activation principle

To be able to send an alert signal to the rescuers, an EPIRB has 2 types of release systems. Some models are automatically activated when a container is submerged. Others, however, are manual and require the intervention of on-board personnel. Both types perform well. The choice between these two types depends on the comfort of use you want.

The size of the beacon

The EPIRB is available on the market in many sizes. A compact size does not take up much space and looks good. If you are having trouble finding the right size beacon for your boat, it is strongly recommended that you seek the advice of an expert in the field.

The technology used

Some advanced models benefit from AIS technology which contributes to their performance. This innovation makes it easy for emergency services to help you in the event of an accident.

Battery life

To ensure the reliability of the beacon at all times, it is of great importance to replace the battery regularly. In order to save money, it is advisable to use batteries with a long service life.

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