feux de navigation bateau

Which navigation lights for a motorboat?

Boat navigation lights are a category of safety equipment that a boat must have. Mechanically propelled models of less than 12 metres are not exempt from this slightly more accommodating rule.

Which navigation lights should I choose?

Generally speaking, the same rule applies to all motorboats. This is true if they are less than 50 metres in length when it comes to boat navigation lights. The fact is that these models are required to have :

  • A continuous white masthead light with a visibility angle of 225°;
  • The side lights comprising the starboard (green) and port (red) lights projecting light continuously for an angle of visibility of 112.5°;
  • A white uninterrupted stern light with a visibility angle of 135°.

Less than 12 metres may derogate from the rule

It goes without saying that in accordance with RIPAM Rules 22, 23 and 25, vessels under 50 metres are required to display the above-mentioned navigation lights. However, this legislation has also provided that models of less than 12 metres can derogate from this regulation.

They can dispense with the stern and masthead lights and replace them with another light.

This is a light visible over the entire horizon, which is added to the side lights and provides a white light that illuminates the whole boat continuously, thanks to a 360° angle of visibility.

Under 7 metres too

If those under 12 metres can benefit from a certain flexibility in the use of boat navigation lights, those under 7 metres in length are more flexible. Simply because for the latter, it is enough to install the light visible over the whole horizon and that’s it. This is, of course, provided that their speed does not exceed 7 knots.

You should also be aware that the range of this navigation light is limited to 2 miles. This is also the case for boats under 12 metres with a range of 1 mile for the side lights and 2 miles for the masthead and stern lights.

For motorboats between 12 and 50 metres in length, the masthead light has the advantage of reaching the 5-mile mark. The other mandatory navigation lights in this category are limited to 2 miles. The quality of the product can influence its performance, so you should zoom in on this.

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