What is the best colour for an antifouling?

Do you need to protect your boat’s hull from algae and shellfish? Then we advise you to use an antifouling. This is the best known and most effective solution. Many professionals believe that the choice of colour of your product also influences its effectiveness. What colour should you choose for your paint?

All about antifouling paint

For those who don’t know yet,antifouling is an underwater antifouling paint. It is used to reduce the growth of algae and shells on the hull of your boat. In order to achieve this, the paint is composed of toxins such as biocides which are based on copper oxide. It is these toxins that will fight the dirt.

Please note that the toxins or biocides that make up this antifouling paint have a shelf life. For your antifouling paint to remain effective, it must be renewed every year. This allows the product to keep the biocides active. This underwater paint is available in various types. When buying, you will have the chance to choose between hard and erodible matrices.

Choosing the colour of your antifouling

Antifouling paint comes in different models and colours. Many professionals believe that the choice of colour influences the effectiveness of the product. For this reason, some people stick to one colour. But how do you know which is the best colour for antifouling paint? There are a number of colours to choose from when purchasing paint.

Among the most popular colours are black, navy blue, royal blue, red, lagoon green, etc. These rather dark colours are considered to be the most effective. Indeed, they are colours that do not reflect light. As for light colours such as white or grey, they are rather difficult to focus on. Moreover, white is said to promote photosynthesis of algae.

The advantages of an antifouling

Using this type of product gives you an opportunity to protect your artwork from algae and shells. This will allow you to :

  • Increase your sailing speed
  • Reduce your fuel consumption
  • Make it easier to sail upwind

Be aware that fuel consumption has a negative impact on the environment. Indeed, the performance of your engine can cause fumes.

This can affect the balance of the aquatic world. Using an antifouling also helps to protect your hull from corrosion. It is also important to know that fouling can reduce your sailing speed. This will result in a significant use of fuel and energy. This is not good for your budget or the marine environment. And if you still want to enjoy the joy of sailing, opt for the use of this antifouling paint.

Which paint to use on polyester?

A polyester boat is very easy to paint. It is a material that can be adapted to almost any type of paint available on the market. This may make your choice easier. But in order to enjoy the life and aesthetics of your boat paint, there are some criteria you should consider.

Single-component paints

Lacquer is a paint that is perfectly suited to all types of boats. When buying your boat paint, you will have the chance to choose between single and two-component paints. The former are very popular. These paints can be based on alkyd or acrylic resins. By choosing alkyd resins, you can enjoy good adhesion. Be aware that this type has a fairly average life span.

However, if you need to give your boat an extra shine, we recommend that you opt for acrylic-based single-component paints. Please note that single-component paints are physically drying. In addition, apart from the polyester support, this paint is also suitable for steel or aluminium supports. If you need a product that is very easy to apply, you should choose this type of boat paint.

Two-component paints

This is the ideal paint for a polyester boat. Of all the boat paints available on the market, it is considered the most abrasion resistant. Two-component paints offer a polymerisation drying process. They have attracted a large number of users due to their much harder finish. This is not the case with single-component paints.

Two-component paints are based on polyurethane. If you opt for this solution, you will have the chance to protect your boat’s hull from the weather. It is also important to note that this product forms a paint film on the substrate by evaporation of the solvents and by chemical reaction. This type of boat paint offers a high quality finish. In addition to the polyester substrate, two-component lacquers can also be applied to the following substrates

  • Polyurethane
  • Epoxy
  • Fibreglass
  • Gel coat

Polyester lacquer

As the name suggests, this polyester lacquer or polyester topcoat is a coating that is suitable for finishing polyester laminates. It is also the best solution to help you repair cracks and scratches in the gel coat. Using this product gives you an opportunity to add a light texture to the painted layer.

This boat paint is available in different colours. So you can choose the shade that suits your needs. It is also the best solution if you want to give your boat an aesthetic touch. In order to increase the effectiveness of this coating, there is nothing to stop you from applying an antifouling paint to your boat

How to choose a floating anchor?

A floating anchor is a tool to keep in mind if you are going to fish in the open sea. It can help you in many situations provided you have the right product. You should be careful not to rush into buying this type of anchor. You only need to take a few criteria into account to get the right model for you.

The weight of the

The weight of a floating anchor the weight of an anchor may depend on the size of the boat you intend to use. A small model can be easily carried away by the boat. For example, a 2 kg model is recommended for a kayak. In addition, a boat longer than 4 m may require an anchor weighing more than 3.5 kg. Note that a floating anchor is not suitable for large boats. You should not neglect this point to avoid disappointment on the open sea.

Fishing conditions

The fishing conditions should not be overlooked before buying a floating anchor. This type of accessory normally allows you to rest your legs or to replace the bait. In any case, the anchor must allow you to fish in complete peace of mind. In any case, the anchor must allow you to fish in complete peace of mind, and you must have an idea of the nature of the water bottom on which you intend to fish. So, don’t hesitate to ask your supplier for advice before making a decision. This will help you avoid making the wrong choice.


Mooring advice should also be taken into account when buying a floating anchor. Note that the chain should be three times the height of the water. It is important to have an accessory that is practical and efficient, but also easy to store. You may need to reverse the anchor to secure it to your vessel. It is quite possible to face into the wind to anchor. This is something to check when you buy the accessory for your boat.

The material of manufacture

Normally, a floating anchor should be strong and robust enough to last a long time. Note that deterioration of the product can cause you problems at sea. It is therefore advisable to check the material of the model you are offered before you buy. A good model meets a specific standard. The maintenance conditions can also help you to check the quality and life span of your floating anchor. You should take the time to find out what material the model you are interested in is made of.

The rope

The rope is the final criterion to check before buying a floating anchor. The market offers a choice between polyamide and polyester. The second option is the most popular because of the value for money that the material can offer. A floating anchor with a high tenacity polyester rope is a perfect choice. The product will guarantee perfect strength and resistance throughout its use.

How to drain a boat tank?

As you know, a motorised boat cannot do without a tank and sometimes even a boat nurse to avoid unpleasant surprises linked to a fuel shortage. As an essential element, it also needs maintenance. Cleaning is the best way to achieve this.

How often?

You should not be mistaken, a tank or a boat nurse also needs cleaning. Not as frequently as the hull, deck or other parts of the boat, but this accessory really needs it.

So you should know that after two or three years of use, the time has come to change the oil. At least if you have bought a new boat. The fact is that if you have chosen a second-hand model, it would be prudent to prioritise the cleaning stage before turning the engine over.

How do you know when the tank needs cleaning?

Between two and three years apart, cleaning the boat nurse or tank is certainly sufficient. However, you may need to do it earlier than that, noting that the type of boat and frequency of use play a big part in this.

Knowing how to identify the warning signs will help you a lot. If you look at the fuel filter, for example, chances are you’ll find debris or water stuck to the bottom of the bowl. This is a sign that some of these disruptive elements have probably made their way into the tank.

Needless to say, once in the tank, these impurities will not fail to circulate towards the engine, which will then suffer the impacts. This will generally manifest itself through a drop in performance and noise imperfections in the carburettor (or injector) and the exhaust.

How to clean a boat tank?

It’s obvious that cleaning a boat tank or fuel tank prevents problems with the fuel system and reduces the risk of breakdown. So, draining is no longer an option when you discover impurities and especially water at the bottom of the filter bowl.

Starting with a complete draining of the fuel. This should be easy with a feeder or a removable tank since it can be turned over to empty it completely. For a fixed tank, a hoover should be used.

Once the fuel has been moved, it is time to drain. This is done through the inspection hatch, which must be cleaned before opening, as dirt tends to accumulate there. Only then can you unscrew it, taking the opportunity to remove the fuel supply hose.

Now that you have access to the inside of the tank, all you have to do is clean it. Here again, the use of a hoover is necessary.

But not only that, you will also need to go through the rubbing and drying stage using a specific tool. Namely, an absorbent, lint-free microfiber to ensure better absorption and to avoid leaving deposits in the bottom of the tank. Note that you will need several microfibres for this. After that, you just have to put the hatch and the hose back on and you’re done.

MC: boat nurse

URL: https: //www.nootica.fr/accastillage/motonautisme/circuit-carburant/nourrices-et-reservoirs.html

Why does the boat honk in port?

Foghorns, whistles, trumpets and horns are all compulsory equipment for boats. For safety reasons, the RIPAM requires that users use them wisely according to well-defined rules.

A regulatory obligation

Any self-respecting sailor knows that for all boats, the golden rule is not only to be seen, but also heard, thanks to the boat horn. This explains why all floating machines are equipped with a system for emitting sound signals.

It should be noted that this is a regulatory obligation as required by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (also known as ColReg 72 or ColReg).

In concrete terms, it is Article 34 on the sound signals to be emitted of the RIPAM that has established this rule at world level. And according to the findings, this regulation is mainly aimed at vessels of less than 12 metres in length.

A question of safety

As a reminder, sound signalling is also a way for boats to signal their presence and intentions. However, with the technological advances that allow satellite phones or GPS to enter the system, some are tempted to believe that the boat horn is no longer necessary. A mistake!

The fact is that for various reasons, these modern devices can fail from time to time. Either because of electrical failure, fog, poor visibility or bad weather. Problems that can lead to accidents or other unfortunate situations.

All this leads to the fact that sound equipment is immune to such problems, so to speak, as a last resort. It is the ultimate means of communication to ensure your safety when sailing and also in port.

Sound emission is mandatory in port

The use of a ship’s horn is particularly important in harbours as part of the safety regulations. And there is a reason for this. Such places are full of boats of all kinds and sound signals allow you to make your intentions clear.

So you have to use the first category of sound signals. That of manoeuvring and warning, requiring a specific signal for each movement. Namely:

  • One short signal for “I am coming to starboard”;
  • Two short signals for “I am coming to port”;
  • Three short signals for “I’m going backwards”;
  • Two long signals and one short signal for “I intend to overtake you on your starboard side”;
  • Two long and two short signals for “I intend to overtake you on your port side”;
  • One long and one short signal followed by another long and short signal for “Affirmative response from the overtaken vessel”;
  • At least four short signals for “Doubts about the intentions of another vessel”;
  • One long signal for “In a blind turn”.

Needless to say, each pilot must master his or her own sound languages, without forgetting the second category, which corresponds to sound signals used in reduced visibility.

What amperage for a marine battery charger?

Power requirements need to be best managed once you are on the high seas. Batteries play a key role in this, and all the right steps need to be taken to do this properly. One of the choices to be made is the battery, and the various details associated with it, such as amperage.

The importance of a good charger

The performance of the energy devices available on the open sea must be optimal. The boat battery charger must be in this spirit, otherwise it may be a nuisance for your sea travel. When deciding on one, it is essential that it meets several high quality criteria.

Having a good amperage for the charger is one of the necessities that ensure good performance for your battery. This allows the battery to be used to its full potential. So don’t skimp on the details when choosing.

Choosing the right amperage for your battery

The batteries themselves are one of the points to prioritise when deciding on the amperage. The parameters of the battery should be used to determine the most suitable amperage. A general rule of thumb is that the level of the boat battery charger a general rule of thumb is that the amperage level of the battery should be 20-25% that of your battery.

For example, for an average 400mA battery, you should choose a charger model that varies between 80A and 100A. If you stray too far from these amperage ranges, it could be harmful to both the charger and the battery. Also, don’t hesitate to ask questions to the salesman before making any purchases.

Other criteria for the charger

Among the important details that affect the choice of a boat battery charger, we can mention the management of the heat emitted. It is normal for the battery to increase in temperature when it is in operation. However, this becomes more important the larger the battery is.

The charger itself can be affected by this heat if it is too close to your battery. So you need to choose a model that handles this problem as well as possible. Secondly, batteries can also be charged from several points, which will charge individually.

Choosing the right battery

Before you even decide on a boat battery charger, you need to make a good choice for the battery itself. If you take the right measurements for this element, it will not be too difficult to choose a good charger.

The power is one of the most important points to consider. In particular, it must be adapted to your boat, and to details such as the size of your boat. The larger your boat, the more powerful the battery will need to be for its energy requirements. Also, taking your time before deciding on a particular battery will ensure optimal use.

Which navigation lights for a motorboat?

Boat navigation lights are a category of safety equipment that a boat must have. Mechanically propelled models of less than 12 metres are not exempt from this slightly more accommodating rule.

Which navigation lights should I choose?

Generally speaking, the same rule applies to all motorboats. This is true if they are less than 50 metres in length when it comes to boat navigation lights. The fact is that these models are required to have :

  • A continuous white masthead light with a visibility angle of 225°;
  • The side lights comprising the starboard (green) and port (red) lights projecting light continuously for an angle of visibility of 112.5°;
  • A white uninterrupted stern light with a visibility angle of 135°.

Less than 12 metres may derogate from the rule

It goes without saying that in accordance with RIPAM Rules 22, 23 and 25, vessels under 50 metres are required to display the above-mentioned navigation lights. However, this legislation has also provided that models of less than 12 metres can derogate from this regulation.

They can dispense with the stern and masthead lights and replace them with another light.

This is a light visible over the entire horizon, which is added to the side lights and provides a white light that illuminates the whole boat continuously, thanks to a 360° angle of visibility.

Under 7 metres too

If those under 12 metres can benefit from a certain flexibility in the use of boat navigation lights, those under 7 metres in length are more flexible. Simply because for the latter, it is enough to install the light visible over the whole horizon and that’s it. This is, of course, provided that their speed does not exceed 7 knots.

You should also be aware that the range of this navigation light is limited to 2 miles. This is also the case for boats under 12 metres with a range of 1 mile for the side lights and 2 miles for the masthead and stern lights.

For motorboats between 12 and 50 metres in length, the masthead light has the advantage of reaching the 5-mile mark. The other mandatory navigation lights in this category are limited to 2 miles. The quality of the product can influence its performance, so you should zoom in on this.

Who blows the foghorn?

Travelling in maritime waters requires measures to be taken, such as the use of a foghorn. This makes it possible to make noise and signal our presence to other boats. Some boats are required to use this type of device.

Boats in fog

If the fog level exceeds a certain threshold, it becomes necessary to use the horn. Without this action, the surrounding boats may collide with yours. There is a set of criteria that you need to meet for this type of device. For example, you must be heard for at least 2 nautical miles, or 4km.

The main purpose here is to let people know that there are other boats in the area. Some vessels may need assistance, and by signalling your presence, you make yourself available. If the fog greatly impairs visibility, your foghorn should be used frequently until it clears.

Models that are required to have a

The size of your boat is the decisive point in whether or not you need a foghorn or not. If your boat is 12 metres or longer, you are obliged to buy one. If not, you are liable to a fine.

Below this threshold, there are no such penalties if you do not have a working horn. On the other hand, it is still advisable, because of its most important practical application at sea. In many cases it can be of great use to you.

The need to make noise when boating

On large bodies of water it is important to be able to determine which boats are present in your immediate vicinity. Even if it is not a foghorn for small boats, you should be able to indicate your presence acoustically.

For this you can use a pan, for example, on which you tap. The main thing is to be able to be heard over a long distance. This measure in particular can help you to notify others of your presence on the sea. This is because there are no elements that will block the passage of sound.

The nature of the noise to be made

Another rule about foghorns for boats is that they should produce a sound that can be either low or high pitched. Smaller boats should use a high-pitched sound, and as the boats get larger, a low-pitched sound should be used.

So, from a certain threshold, large boats will be required to use gongs. These produce a powerful sound with a low tone. Thus, the sound can be used to deduce that a boat is not far away, as well as the size of the boat. The trick is to be careful when making your choices about these.

What is marine varnish? What is a polyurethane varnish?

Generally speaking, marine varnish is used to embellish and preserve the wood of the boat. It is often used to protect the vessel from various aggressions produced by navigation and is indeed applied on traditional boats. The protection given to the vessel can extend the life of the boat.

Which marine varnish should I choose?

There are several types of marine varnish and it can be quite difficult to choose one. So what are the different categories?

  • In terms of composition, there are two types of marine varnish: one-component and two-component. The single-component varnish is suitable for use on marine veneered backings. The two-component varnish used to protect the plywood.
  • With regard to the finish of the varnish, a distinction is made between: gloss varnish and matt varnish. Gloss marine varnish guarantees a glossy coating for your ship. Matt marine varnish is a sober varnish.
  • When it comes to the colour of the varnish, there are colourless and tinted varnishes. By its name, clear varnish does not add any colour to the wood. In contrast to colourless varnish, tinted varnish gives your wood a new look.

How do you apply marine varnish?

Before the procedure, you must first prepare the woodwork to improve the adhesion of the paint on the surface. Repair the woodwork and remember to cut off any worn areas. Traces of the old varnish should be removed by sanding without solvent. To complete the sanding, use manual sanding sheets while working in the direction of the wood. To revive the colour of the wood and modernise the adhesion of the marine varnish, apply an undercoat. The varnish is applied with a brush and at least 3 to 5 uniform and homogeneous coats. The recommended drying time between each coat is 24 hours.

What is a polyurethane varnish?

Polyurethane varnish is a very tough type of varnish formulated so that its microscopic chains of resin molecules bind deeply as they dry. This results in a more water, solvent, abrasion and impact resistant finish than conventional varnishes. There are two types of polyurethane varnish: water-based and oil-based.

Water-based polyurethane varnish

Water-based polyurethane varnish can offer a range of choices of different qualities and durability. It is recommended to choose a varnish that contains urethane to obtain the best quality. This type of varnish does not produce any odour and is not harmful to health. On the other hand, water-based polyurethane varnish is less resistant to calcium resulting from the outdoors, such as snow on boots in winter. It is therefore advisable to protect floors with water-based polyurethane varnish.

Oil-based polyurethane varnishes

Oil-based polyurethane varnish, also known as Varathane, is an economical and easy-to-apply product for wood floors. However, it can give off a strong odour when applied. This varnish tends to have a yellowish tinge. It has low scratch resistance, which means that it needs to be restored more often. This type of varnish is not recommended as it can be harmful to the environment and health.

How does a bulb work?

A priming bulb is essential for the proper functioning of a boat’s engine. You should not take it lightly if you want to sail safely. For a sea angler, it is important to check that the bulb is working properly. Here are a few points to bear in mind in this respect.

The importance of a baiting bulb

A primer bulb is an important element for a vessel because of its usefulness for the engine. Its main role is to fill the carburettor of your boat. This means that you will not have any problems with the amount of fuel when you are on the water. Normally, this accessory is used to draw the fuel through the appropriate line.

The bulb can be primed manually if necessary. All you need to do is access the engine location to do so. You will only have to press the primer a few times to properly mix the air with the fuel. In any case, this accessory should work by itself if it is of good quality and in good condition.

Why doesn’t a primer bulb work?

Like all parts of the boat, a priming bulb like all parts of the boat, a carburettor may not work in some cases. This may be due to a problem with the bulb or the fuel lines. The fuel line can also have an impact on the proper functioning of your bulb. Also note that the fuel line can let in too much air if it is cracked or hardened.

You may have a problem with the boat’s carburettor drawing fuel. You will also need to ensure that the air filter is working properly to get the most out of your primer bulb. A plug in the tank can also cause you problems.

A bulb as a diagnostic tool for your boat

As you might expect, a bulb can be used as a diagnostic tool for your fishing vessel. The accessory acts directly on the fuel supply system. You can then use it in case the engine loses power and even stalls. Specifically, the primer bulb will force fuel to the engine.

You can check the air intake in the system if the fuel refuses to rise despite the bulb’s operation. You can then check the accessory to ensure that your engine is supplied with fuel and power. You can then fish with peace of mind even in the open sea.

Check whether the bulb is flattening or hardening

Have you noticed that the bulb remains flattened after starting the motor? Note that this kind of problem can also occur after handbaiting. In any case, this means that the accessory is clogged. It is also possible that your bulb is malfunctioning. The product may have problems with the valves.

It may also be that the attachment does not harden at a certain time. This may be caused by a downstream leak at the bulb. You can also check the carburettor float, which may be stuck.

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